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                                        WELLCOME TO AVIARES !

                    your Job Agency for successful careers in Germany !


       Thank you for your interest in applying to AVIARES !


       We bring professionals from abroad together with german companies. 

       We convey the right job for you & mediate and support you in your career !



       We need from you the following documents:  (all translated in German !)


  •       Your application documents including CV ,certificates & referencies
  •       Proof of recognation of your profession / degree

                see at:    https://anabin.kmk.org


       Our Services by initiative applications:

       After you have sent us all your application-documents (please perfectly prepaired

       like declaired above),  we will analyze & evaluate your papers and providing it

       to compatible vacancies and reputable companys / employers, whom we know

       and we work together. Here we mediate and negociate for your own advantage

       by seeking the proper job-areas, best possible work conditions  start for you.

       As soon as we have found the right position and the right employer for you,

       we will get in contact and conduct a joint interview with you.


       If the company`s commitment  is successful, then in behalf of your new employer

       we will initiate the visa procedure for you.  Additionally, according to your needs

       we will give you profesional German lessons and prepare you with an orientation

       course for living in Germany and a proper intercultural training.


       By request we can arrange for you a relocation agency for your accommodation.


       Once you have arrived in Germany, we are still by your side !

       We will support and coach you as a mentor so that  you can settle in well

       and your integration will be facilitated.


       After a few years of work experience in Germany:  

        if you want to seek a new job at a new company for getting a higher position

        or if you want to work in a new City or  in a complete new country,   so -

                                        You can contact us any time ! 

      We have a wide network and we can take you to new employers

      or convey you to other countries and other continents.

                                         We are at your side !




      Contact us and send your application to :  apply@aviares.de


                                            We look forward to you!


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